New since 1.0.0: 68k Support. Better cache support.
The plug-in allows serving multiple images to Web Browser clients and also works as a CGI for serving a single current image.
Sending multiple images works by using the "Send-Partial" mechanism of WebStar. The server can be used to quickly serve a single image or the plug-in will serve multiple images-- which means the client does not need to hit "reload" to see a new image. Use of this feature should be done with plenty of bandwidth. This is not meant to serve high-framerate video.
To use in CGI and/or Server push mode follow these directions:
1. Place MacWebCam in your HTTP Server's application folder.
2. Put file "mwc_unavailable.jpg" in your HTTP Server's application folder (modify the image if you like.)
3. Create a new WebCam document.
4. Change settings as desired.
To use Server Push animations:
1. WebStar Compatible server users; put 'MacWebCam Plug-in' in your WebStar plug-in folder
OR put 'MacWebCam Plug-in (MOS)' in your HTTP server's plugin folder.
2. Go to the "HTTP Server" settings dialog under "Settings" menu.
3. Check Allow Send Partial Animations
(Do not use the .raw file generation- not needed and a CPU hog.)
Client Pictures/minute specifies the framerate. Keep this number low to prevent data overflow on slower connections.
Total Pictures/minute limits the number of pictures that are sent out in a minute.
Max Connections specifies how many connections it should leave open. If that number is exceeded, only one picture is sent out and the connection is closed.
Number of images specifies the number of images that will be sent. Once that number has been reached, the client will need to hit reload to get another N images.
Always use the current plug-in with the current MacWebCam application!
Please remove any older MWC plugins. (MWC_Web*_Plug-in.)
Contact Information
If you use this feature, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Send comments, questions, and feedback to